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Methi dana benefits for weight loss in urdu - methi dana advantages for weight loss in sanskrit

01-02-2017 à 09:54:35
Methi dana benefits for weight loss in urdu
India is the largest producer of the fenugreek seeds in the world. I have mentioned some important health benefits of the methi seeds such as. In this way it helps in the weight management strategy. It is famous as an aphrodisiac which has ability to boost the testosterone level in the men. It is very helpful in treating the kidney ailments and deficiency symptoms of the vitamin like mouth ulcers, baldness, chronic coughs, chapped lips, beriberi, boils, cellulitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, cancer and etc. Fenugreek seed enhances the sexual desire as well as treats the premature ejaculation and impotence by increasing the blood flow to the penis. Here are 15 reasons why you should include methi in your diet more often. It has minerals, fibre, iron, protein, vitamins (C and B), potassium, alkaloids and etc. Methi aids a lot in the digestion by flushing out the harmful toxins from the body. It also has an essential amino acid (4-hydroxy isoleucine) which is deeply responsible for enhancing the insulin production in the body. Include fenugreek in your weight loss diet by chewing soaked. In some cases, fenugreek tea is used to relieve indigestion and stomach pain. It eases the other menopausal symptoms including anxiety, dizziness, insomnia, hot flashes, mood variations and etc as well. Real life healthy weight loss story - find out how this woman lost 28 kgs in 8 months. This is due to the presence of diosgenin in the spice which increases milk production in lactating mothers. Regular use of methi (either in the form of leaves or seeds) in the normal diet provides relief from all the deficiency symptoms of the iron by fulfilling the need of iron in the body. Due to the presence of galactomannan, fenugreek plays a key role in maintain your heart health. Chewing the soaked methi seeds with empty stomach in the early morning makes the stomach full and suppress appetite due to the natural soluble fibres available in the in the fenugreek seeds. Methi has a different compound called Sotolon which is responsible for its sweet smell. It also contains high amount of potassium that counters the action of sodium to help control heart rate and blood pressure. It helps in treating the common digestive problems like loss of appetite, stomach upset, stomach inflammation or gastritis and etc. As women come under the most vulnerable group suffering from the iron deficiency during the puberty period, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It has a special component called galactomannan (natural soluble fibre) which lowers the heart attack risk. It has various medicinal properties because of its phytochemical compounds like diosgenin, choline, yamogenin, tigogenin, trigonelline gitogenin, and neotigogens. In India, methi seeds are largely produced in many states like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Haryana. Applying paste of the methi seeds helps in treating the various skin problems including scar, inflammation, boils, burns, eczema and etc. Methi seeds are very familiar component used in various Indian subcontinent dishes. It has different compounds (diosgenin and isoflavones) which acts as an estrogen hormone and provides relief from the discomfort and menstrual cramps during menstruation in the women. It is also famous for having a compound called diosgenin (has property of estrogen and steroidal saponins). Methi seed helps in curing the acid reflux (heartburn) as it has mucilage which covers the stomach and intestinal linings and soothes the irritated tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. Both methi seeds and leaves are generally available and broadly used in the Indian kitchens because of its amazing health benefits. Fenugreek contains compounds like diosgenin and isoflavones with oestrogen-like properties which help reduce symptoms like discomfort and menstrual cramps associated with PMS.

It is called by the name methi in the Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali and Nepali, venthayam in the Tamil, uluhaal in the Sinhala, Helba in the Arabic, menthya in the Kannada, uluwa in the Malayalam, menthulu in the Telugu, Samudra Methi in the Maharashtra (Mumbai) and etc. It provides relief from the indigestion, constipation and other digestive disorders. However, its excess intake should be avoided during pregnancy as it increases the risk of miscarriage as well as premature childbirth. An Indian household cannot do without methi or fenugreek seeds and leaves. It prevents from the atherosclerosis which leads to the heart problems. As fenugreek is rich in fibre and antioxidants, it helps in flushing out harmful toxins from the body and thus, aids digestion. Regular consumption of 1 tsf soaked methi seeds in water provide more relief as the soaking process makes its outer coating mucilaginous. Fenugreek has been known to be helpful in inducing childbirth by stimulating uterine contractions. It provides relief from the fever, cough and sore throat when taken with a tsf of honey and lemon. It is the rich source of the fibres saponins and mucilage which helps in removing the body toxins and protects the colon mucus membrane from cancers. It is well known for controlling the blood sugar level in the diabetic person as it has a natural soluble fibre known as the Galactomannan which has property to slow down the sugar absorption rate in the blood. You can even drink fenugreek decoction early in the morning to deal with constipation. Methi seeds enhance the production of breast milk in the lactating mothers as it has diosgenin compound which increases the milk production. Methi seeds are very beneficial for treating various problems in men like hernia, erectile dysfunction and etc. Diabetic must include methi (either in the form of seeds or leaves) in their diet. High testosterone level maintains the energy level for long time. It is cultivated once in a year belongs to the Fabaceae family. It is used in almost every Indian preparation be it. It is famous by different names in different regions. It also contains amino acid responsible for inducing the production of insulin. Methi seeds are greatly produced in many countries such as India, Iran, Spain, Argentina, Nepal, Egypt, Pakistan, Turkey, France, Bangladesh and Morocco. Fenugreek seeds are the excellent source of electrolyte potassium which help in controlling the heart rate as well as blood pressure by counteracting the sodium action. Rajasthan produces approximately 80% of the total fenugreek seeds in India. Fenugreek seed enhances the breast enlargement in the women by including it in the regular diet as it has oestrogen like property which balances the sex hormones among women. But what you might not know is that methi or fenugreek is a rich reservoir of medicinal properties that imparts many health benefits. Benefits of Methi Seeds for Lactating (Breast Feeding) Mothers. The natural soluble fibre in the fenugreek can swell and fill the stomach thereby suppressing your appetite and aiding your weight loss goals. They are known to be rich source of steroidal saponins that prevent the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides. Eating tomatoes or potatoes together with the methi enhances the power of iron absorption found in it. Its green and fresh leaves are used to make saag (vegetable, methi paratha), methi dana are used as a spice (panch phoron and sambar powder), sprouts (salads), pickles, vegetable dishes, daals and etc. It induces and eases the child birth during labor as it stimulates the uterine contractions and reduces the labor pain.

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Methi dana benefits for weight loss in urdu
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